Ginger Snaps Wiki

Brigitte Fitzgerald is a central character featured in the Ginger Snaps trilogy, and she was played by Canadian actress Emily Perkins. Brigitte first appears in the 2000 film Ginger Snaps and later in the 2004 sequel Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed. The modern day Brigitte from the first two films appears as her 19th century counterpart with the same namesake in the prequel film Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning.


The first Brigitte Fitzgerald, ancestor of modern day Brigitte who was born almost 200 years later, was born to Canadian traders in 1815.  These events took place in Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning.  Brigitte pledges to protect her sister Ginger Fitzgerald, but she fails to prevent Ginger from getting infected by a werewolf bite.  At the end of the film, Brigitte and Ginger exchange blood, infecting Brigitte and proving her loyalty to her sister, but also beginning a curse affecting modern day Brigitte and her sister Ginger, where they inherit the werewolf curse.

In Ginger Snaps and Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, as the modern day Brigitte Fitzgerald, she is the second daughter of Pamela and Henry Fitzgerald.  She was 15 on the verge of 16 in these two films.  As events progress, Brigitte, in the beginning of Ginger Snaps, dedicates her life to following and protecting her sister, but she slowly shifts away from the mindset as she discovers Ginger's true in-appreciation of her sister in the first place.  She later transforms into a werewolf as she was infected by Ginger's blood (who was infected herself from a werewolf attack), made apparent in Ginger Snaps II.


  • Brigitte, age 15, is played by a 23-year-old Emily Perkins. Katharine Isabelle, who plays her big sis Ginger, is four years younger than Perkins.
  • When "B" accidentally pulls the leg off of the dead dog in the beginning of Ginger Snaps, the position of it in her hands changes between cuts.
  • Emily Perkins (Brigitte) had her hair shaved off shortly before the start of filming, so she had to wear an (occasionally obvious) wig during the shoot.

External Links

Brigitte Fitzgerald on Wikipedia
